Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Modern Prince and Socio-Political Change in Gramscian Theory

Following this entry, I will write a number of different entries dealing with Gramsci’s theory on political party and what roles and functions the political party has with regards to socio-political change. Gramsci’s theory in general can be considered as a holistic one, and as a matter of fact, his theory on one subject is not isolated from his thoughts and ideas about other things. Moreover, all of his concepts, theoretical tools, are deeply related and connected with each other. Therefore, in order to understand the role of the political party in socio-political change in Gramsci’s theory, one should also take into consideration the other relevant actors, components, or factors which take part in this change. Accordingly, besides political party, I will also talk about his other theoretical concepts, or other parts of his theory, such as organic intellectuals, historical bloc, hegemony, man, class, collective will, Jacobin force, etc., to the extent that they contribute to the process of socio-political change.

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